SOCOMORE is participating in the 6th A3TS conference on November 7 & 8, 2019 in Nantes (France). 


The purpose of the conference is to take a look at the current and future chromium VI-free technologies. Therefore, we will discuss the constraints linked to hexavalent chromium in the treatment of surfaces and paints.

As explained in the EHS issues article, the prohibition of Chromium VI by the REACH regulation is scheduled for 2024 and these new European directives encourage surface treatment and paint companies to innovate in order to offer customers and market players solutions that combine performance and quality. These two days will provide an opportunity to learn about the latest innovations and regulations. 

The scientific and technical conference sessions will address the main issue: how to reconcile performance, innovations, and regulations in surface treatments and paints on light alloys and steels?

Our conference at A3TS 2019

During a conference session (Friday 8, at 8:45 am), Emilie Champagne, Technical Support Engineer at SOCOMORE, will speak on the subject of “Conversion and solution of trivalent chromium sealing by immersion and retouching: advances and industrial perspectives” and will present the work on a conversion solution by local and coloured application.

Our solution, SOCOSURF TCS /SOCOSURF PACS, is an alternative process based on trivalent chromium and allows conversion and sealing after anodization. Indeed, it replaces Chrome VI treatments and provides corrosion protection on aluminum alloys comparable to that of a hexavalent chromium process.

SOCOMORE proposes Chromium free solutions for Aluminium Surface Treatment

Want to know more about SOCOSURF TCS / SOCOSURF PACS? Go to the product sheet of our Cr(III) based surface treatment solution.

The conversion of trivalent chromium, by immersion and local application, interests you and you participate in the A3TS 2019? Our teams are at your disposal to discuss and answer your questions.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Other articles on our Chrome VI-free conversion solutions that may be of interest to you:

Liebherr-Aerospace and Collins Aerospace approved SOCOSURF TCS/PACS Cr(VI) free

Chromate and Fluoride Free Aluminium Deoxidizers